These are some quotes from the audience feedback on our premiere evening:
1. Please give details about what you like about our film opening.
"It was really fun and lighthearted. Very enjoyable."
"Very well acted, made it funnier"
"Really embodied the Chick Flick genre"
"Really cleverly thought out for example the whole idea of Special K"
"Editing was great"
"Very creative shots and camera movements"
"Made me want to watch the whole film"
"Loved the quirky bumble bee at the start, it immediately caught my attention which was maintained throughout"
"Was very funny, totally got the humour"
"The credit fonts suited the genre, loved how they faded in and out"
"Really good use of ellipsis, the lighting and costume all worked very well and the timing of the soundtrack was really effective"
"Loved the camera movement when staggering out of bed"
"It was really amusing, a good choice of music, funky and upbeat, suited the genre well"
2. What is your favourite part of our film opening and why?
"Loved the bus scene, made me laugh"
"When she poured orange juice into her cereal, this was funny"
"I really liked the Benny Hill like running after the bus"
"When Kate looks out of the window and sees her sister is lying there, also at this point when the music stopped the surprise was really funny"
"I liked how Kate looks rough and then after spiting out her tooth paste comes up looking all pretty"
"The bumble bee at the start was really good"
"Loved the reaction to the orange juice"
"Liked the use of fast forward to show time passing by"
"Liked the part when Kate left her sister on the floor, was funny"
"Kate throwing the clock out of the window and knocking out her sister, very entertaining"
"Liked the zooming in and out of the blind for the costume change, very clever"
"Loved the switch from wide shots to close up shots in the bus stop scene"
"The bus stop scene was TOO FUNNY, loved it"
"I liked the alarm clock getting thrown out of the window and how it sets the scene for the humour to come"
"The mad hair!"
"Loved the build up of unpredictability"
"The shots in the fridge, very creative"
"The orange juice bit added humour which is hard to do"
"Loved the music choice and how the clips all fitted to it, was great"
We are really happy with our audience feedback, it's always a nice feeling to know that something you've put lots of work and love into is liked by other people. It's also interesting to see how well people respond to a simple bit of slapstick humour, for example Sam being knocked out by the alarm clock. I'm really pleased about how everything has turned out, and it's a bit strange to remember when we first planned the idea.
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