Tuesday 14 September 2010

Analysing Film Openings

The movie Se7en has some very effective opening credits:

From the very beginning the music gives you a feeling of unease, because it is vey broken and distorted. You can already tell that this movie is likely to be quite scary. The font used is quite flickery and it imitates handwriting. The use of close ups on the character's hands gives a sense of mystery, because you know what they are doing, but you don't know what the character looks like. The character's use of razor blades and needles also show the viewer that the movie is either horror or a psychological thriller.

I'm not sure that I would like to do my film opening in this genre, because I think it would be too easy to do, and I'm also not a fan of the genre, so I would not have much of an experience of similar films. I also hate being scared, so this type of genre would not appeal to me.

A genre I would prefer would be a rom-com or action movie. However I know this will be difficult to research for because there aren't many examples of these on YouTube.
A good example of a film opening that isn't horror would be Moulin Rouge, because it gets straight to the point, telling you the ending but in a way that makes you want to continue watching. This film isn't on YouTube, but if I find it I will edit this post including the video.

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